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Ableton Live Customizations

Giving away these useful Ableton hacks to the community in case it helps someone!

Customizations Include:

  • key mapping options for full or compact keyboard layouts
  • an Options.txt file to enable hidden Ableton features
  • a custom metronome sound (the Pro Tools metronome - filtered and peaking at -6dB)
  • a custom midi preview sound (a piano instead of the default 'click-y' sine wave)
  • custom Simpler settings (for predictable sample peaks)
  • custom audio and MIDI track settings (loads a basic Utility and MIDI pitcher by default)
  • custom Operator sine wave (if you even use this)

Instructions for this product is limited, but I've included some of the macOS file path destinations within the folder names. If unsure where to place anything, check with ChatGPT or shoot me an email/reach out on IG.



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